If we are to reflect upon the most fundamental ways of nature, a theory that explains all, which I believe is Quantum Information Theory, than all there is must behave as such. If the world works according to fixed or given laws and the human mind is part of that world than any human can understand the world. Artist, the art piece, and its creation is ruled by the same fixed laws. Any art piece is just a possibility. As soon as a mark is made, an art piece Is and Is not; the process is and is not; it is completed and it is not; it exist and it does not; simultaneously. The art piece is in the superposition. Observing the art piece creates a certain outcome for the observer. Each observer holds her own reality and every time observer makes an observation a new certain reality is created (maybe this is a reason why many think art is subjective). Does this mean that the art piece is a photon emitter, like in a double slit experiment, and observers are perceiving just one of infinite possibilities. If artist is an information creator to begin with, than in what state is the artist in? Is the artist in quantum superposition as well or out-of-the-system observer?
If we are to reason this way shouldn’t we completely reform the way we critique art? Shouldn’t we teach our students to observe, create, and critique art according to these fundamental laws?